As a huge redsox fan Monday April 15th 2013 started out great. The Red Sox won on a Mike Napoli walk off double and looked like they could be a formidable foe to win the AL east. But all that took a turn, 3 explosions rocked the Boston Marathon on a very special Patriots day killing 3, one of which was an 8 year old boy and wounded hundreds of others. What is wrong with humanity? How do we stop such needless violence. And why did they keep showing the blast video over and over again. That doesn't make for good television that desensitizes us to make us believe that it's not that bad. I winced every time i saw it and i am glad i did. No one should ever have to see something like that. I'm pretty sure the victims don't want to see the video any more than they want to relive the horrific ordeal. Would you want your car accident shown over and over again? Probably not so why would we think it's okay to keep watching this? It's unsettling that they even offer pictures about this. Instead of snapping a picture run and help these people. As frustrating as it was to see so much video from citizens and media outlets the videos did capture something that made me proud of humanity. the way people were rushing to the blasts, looking to help others, trying to do anything they could to pull someone to safety or just comfort those shaken by the blast. With all the darkness humanity as brought there is greater light and as long as we a race decide to look out for others ahead of ourselves then we will prevail over anything. In this dark and grave moment i still have hope for humanity.